Our services for Source Protocol:

What is Source Protocol

Created for individuals, enterprises and developers to easily use, integrate and build Web 3.0 applications. A broad-spectrum ecosystem that transforms centralized web tools and financial instruments into decentralized ones.

$SOURCE — Efficient, scalable & interoperable blockchain network to create apps, smart contracts & tools for the Web 3.0 Economy

Source Swap — An Interchain DEX & AMM built on Source Chain for permission-less listing of $SOURCE-based tokens, native Cosmos SDK assets, cw-20’s, & wrapped Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) assets

Source One $SCR1 — A peer to peer, non-custodial DeFi marketplace for borrowing, lending, staking, & more. Built on Binance Smart Chain with bridging to Source Chain & native Cosmos SDK assets. Powered by $SCR1, a governance & incentivized earnings token

$SRCX (BEP-20) — the first automated liquidity acquisition & DeFi market participation token built on Binance Smart Chain

$USX (BEP-20) — Source One Market’s stablecoin backed and over collateralized by a hierarchy of blue chip crypto assets and stablecoins

Source Launch Pad — Empowering projects to seamlessly distribute tokens and raise liquidity. ERC-20 and BEP-20 capable

Source One Card & Members Rewards Program — earn from a robust suite of perks & rewards. In the future, Source One Card will enable users to swipe with their crypto assets online and at retail locations in real time

DeFi-as-a-Service (DaaS) — Seamless white-label integration of Source One Market, Source Swap, Source Launch Pad, and/or Source One Card with existing online banking and financial applications

Official links

How to add to Keplr

Go to Restake and connect Keplr.


Go to https://chains.keplr.app

Where can I see SOURCE charts?

Where to buy SOURCE token?

How to stake SOURCE tokens

Go to https://restake.app/source and connect your Keplr wallet:

Select validator Sr20de and click on it. A window will open. Click Stake button:

In the next window click Delegate button:

In the next window in the Amount field, enter the amount of Source tokens you want to stake and click Delegate:

Confirm transaction in the opened Keplr window.

Congratulations! You are now a staker of Source tokens.