Our services for Six Sigma Sports:

What is Six Sigma Sports

Six Sigma Sports uses the power and flexibility of blockchain technology to put the fun back into sports betting — for everyone.

Read more in this Medium Article: Introducing Six Sigma Sports

Official links

WEBSITE: https://sixsigmasports.io
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SixSigmaSports
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/fHB43NHyc6
TG ANNOUNCEMENTS: https://t.me/SixSigmaSports
MEDIUM: https://sixsigmasports.medium.com

How to add to Keplr

Go to Restake and connect Keplr.


Go to https://chains.keplr.app/

Where can I see SGE charts?

Where to buy the SGE token?

You can buy  SGE token on Osmosis or on MexC

How to stake SGE tokens with Restake

Go to https://restake.app/sge and connect your Keplr wallet:

Select validator Sr20de and click on it. A window will open. Click Stake button:

In the next window click Delegate button:

In the next window in the Amount field, enter the amount of SGE tokens you want to stake and click Delegate:

Confirm transaction in the opened Keplr window.

Congratulations! You are now a happy staker of SGE tokens!